Color Schemes Of Logos

Analogus Colors:

This Logo used the analogous colors of yellow, yellow-green, and green. I think the company probably chose these colors because the flower catches your eye because its not something many people see every often
 This logo uses the analogous colors of red, purple, and a violet. I think the company chose these colors because this combo is very welcoming using many shades and tints of red and purple which all look very good next to each other.

Complementary Colors

 This logo uses the complementary colors of yellow and purple. Although you see this combination very often now thanks to the Lakers, its not a likely color combination. When most people see these colors together they think lakers. Smart marketing move on the larkers.
 This logo uses the complementary colors of orange and blue. The company chose these colors because you can recognize the colors very easily.

Warm Colors

This logo uses the warm colors of yellow and orange. The company chose these colors because they look good next to each other and are very inviting.

This logo uses the warm colors of yellow and brown. The company chose these colors because for a small cafe, warm, earthy colors are very welcoming and appetizing.

Cool colors

This logo uses the cool color of blue. This company uses this color combo because it looks sleek and clean like the cars they sell.

 This logo uses the color of blue. This school uses blue and black because its icy and incorporates the color of a raven, black, which is their mascot.

Monocromatic colors

This logo uses a monocomactic color scale of green. The company chose this color because green represents Earth and nature and the Animal Planet is a show about Earth and nature.

 This logo uses a moncocatic color scheme suing blue and white. The company uses this one color because it is smile and easy to recognize.

Triad colors

 This logo uses the triad color scheme using yellow, pink, and blue-violet. The company chose these colors because 


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