css and carp design
intro The difference between CSS and CARP is that the css looks like a final product, very sleek and professional. and carp looks very basic like a google doc a 5 year old could put together 5 minutes before it was due. making the changes in dreamweaver pulled the whole project together. pulling colors from the image of the dog made the page grab the viewers attention by having consistency and theme through out the webpage. contrast- by using a black background with white text it made the reader interested, its not something you see everyday , normally its black words on a white screen, this made the page easy to look at, but still pop. alignment- the instructions were very clear to make sure everything was centered the same way, this makes the page ascetically appealing to the viewer. repetition- using colors from the image multiple times in some cases made the page look like everything belonged. proximity- this made the page look less intimidating while still ...